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/ MacWorld 1998 January / Macworld (1998-01).dmg / Serious Demos / Visual MacStandardBasic Demo / Visual MSB Reference / Visual MSB Reference.rsrc / PICT_41.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-10-23  |  135KB  |  816x1056  |  16-bit (496 colors)
Labels: book | crt screen | lodestone | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky
OCR: This is a numeric expression designating the left coordinate of the ellipse's bounding rectangle This numeric expression designating the top coordinate do the ellipse's bounding rectangle width This is a numeric expression designating the width of the ellipse's bounding rectangle height This numeric expression designating the height of the ellipse's bounding rectangle StretchLine windowID X. y, varl, var2 This command draws dynamic line from the X y position to apoint selected by interaction with the user Upon mouse button release, the endpoint coordinates are store in the numeric variables var1 and var2 (the and position This command isusually with mouse down event to create 'rubber rband line that allows the user to hold the mouse button down to create lines window Important Note: When t ...